
Ariana Shoes - So what's this all about?

This blog is about Ariana shoes, an exciting and fun invention that will change your approach to one of your most common piece of clothing. I bet you never thought that wearing your shoes can be a real creative experience. Well, soon you can be able to actually change the look of your shoes instantly, whenever you want it, with your smartphone.

The key is the special surface of the shoes' uppers which act as erasable canvases. You can put any kind of patterns, drawings, artworks, even texts onto them, wear them as long as you like, then erase the whole thing with a touch of a button and start over again. The only limitation is the number of colors you can use. You can have three: black, white and you are free to choose the third one. It can be red, blue, green, orange, you name it.

If you buy a pair of red Arianas for example you can mix black, white and red any way you like to create your patterns, drawings, etc. and of course, you can always use the three colors on their own. It means you can have a nice, clean, white pair of shoes in one moment and then you can turn them completely black in the next, then pure red.

And no, they won't have any artificial or techy look to them. You won't be able to tell the difference between an ordinary pair of shoes and a pair of Arianas by looking at them.

And it's not going to be for women only. On the contrary, there's going to be Ariana shoes for everyone: men, women, kids, in all kinds of shapes and sizes. It's merely a technology that can be used to produce any kind conventional shoes: pumps, high heels, flats, sneakers, etc.

So we hope the basics are clear now, if you want to know more about Ariana shoes, visit the project's page on Indiegogo and if you like it, support us to make it happen as soon as possible.

In the meantime it will be worth following this blog where we going to provide more background information on this special little step in footwear evolution :-)

Our next topic: the structure of the uppers - what are the diferrent layers for?